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Pisarenko Zh. V.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Risk Management and Insurance, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor
Kuznetsova N. P.
Chair of Risk Management and Insurance, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor
Nguyen Canh Toan
Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (Hanoi), PhD (Economics), Professor

Implementation of the eco-system approach and the change of the regulation model on the financial market of Vietnam (Russia, St. Petersburg; Vietnam, Hanoi)
In the context of the rapid development of information technologies, the eco-system thinking turns into a most valuable competence, since it allows to unify the online and the offline “worlds.” Successful functioning of the new synthetic institutions requires, first of all, technological decision, developed by companies in the sphere of financial technologies. Development of convergence processes, which led to a revolution on the financial markets of various countries and regions of the world, as well as to the emergence of the new institutionalized forms of eco-system financial conglomerates, is also visible in the countries with transition economies. Vietnam’s financial market, dynamically developing under the impact of digital transformation, occupies a special position among the latter.
Key words: financial convergence, financial mega-conglomerate, financial eco-system, regulation of Vietnam’s financial market
Pages: 119 - 123

Статья написана при поддержке РФФИ Проект № 21-510-92001

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