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Pakhomova N. V.
Chair of Economic Theory, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Honored Scholar of the Russian Federation
Zaedinov A. V.
PhD student, Chair of Economic Theory, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University

Cross-functional interpretation of energy transition and reforming of Russian heat power engineering in the context of the global climate agenda (Russia, St. Petersburg)
The article focuses on the topical aspects of energy transition that plays one of the key roles in the cotemporary global climate agenda and in reaching the aims of decarbonization of economy. On the bases of scholarly research and with regard to the weak points of the strategies currently implemented in practice, the authors offer a cross-functional interpretation of energy transition corresponding to its complex and multi-dimensional nature. Within the frames of this approach the authors differentiate among the major driving forces, interrelated directions, and concrete expressions of the transition, which allows identifying related risks and opportunities. Special attention is given to the specificities of implementation of the energy transition strategy in heat power engineering which, being one of infrastructural branches, possesses a considerable potential to increase energy efficacy and decrease carbon intensity of the country’s economy. The article formulates tasks of Russian heat power engineering and systematizes measures capable of directing its reforming long the most effective trajectories possible in the present-day context.
Key words: energy transition, Russian heat power engineering, energy saving and increase of energy efficacy, decarbonization of the Russian economy, climate-related risks
Pages: 109 - 114

Список использованных источников
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