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Emel’yanova O. N.
Research fellow, E.M. Primakov Institute of Global Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), PhD (Economics)

Topical questions of the present and the future of hydrogen energy production (the case of Japan) (Russia, Moscow)
The article focuses on the topical issues related to hydrogen energy production based on the case of Japan. The global demand for energy resources is growing over time, which results in the higher costs of traditional energy sources. In these circumstances, Japanese economy becomes particularly vulnerable, since the share of import of its hydrogen energy carriers is high. The Japanese government sees the solution to the problem in the development of renewable energy sources, and among other things actively promotes hydrogen as an energy carrier. And although hydrogen will not be able to constitute a large share in the Japanese energy consumption in the nearest future, the current institutional preparation will allow to broaden its role in the future Japanese economy.
Key words: Japan, hydrogen energy production, energy production transition, energy politics, renewable energy sources, “green” technologies
Pages: 177 - 181

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