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Kushcheva N. B.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Department of Services, Tourism and Hospitality, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Technology)
Terekhova V. I.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Project Design in Cinematography and Television, Department of Management and Media Communications St. Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television, PhD (History)

Hotel content marketing in INSTRAGRAM, focused on millennials
(Russia, St. Petersburg)
Development of social networks allowed hotel brands to use unique marketing methods, to reach out to their target groups and interact with them. The article focuses on correlational elements existing in the hotel content marketing and millennials’ involvement in Instagram. The authors analyze the type of content that millennials prefer to receive from hotels in Instagram and provides specific examples of hotels that use content marketing in their activity.
Key words: content marketing, hotel industry, social networks, artificial intelligence, hashtag, Instagram, millennials, influencer
Pages: 108 - 111

Список использованных источников
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